Paleo Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Minis

These little pops of joy are a result of trying out some new paleo recipes for healthy and guilt-free treats... These have an extremely low glycemic index, and you can even opt for completely sugar free by using only stevia. These came out like mini soufflés! Their cake-like texture balances out the rich dark chocolate flavour.

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Tahini Power Protein Balls

These delectable morsels have (almost) zero sugar. In fact, you can opt out of the honey and make them into completely sugar-free, pure protein packed, savoury little gems. These turn out great with or without honey, the Manuka will give you a little anti-fungal boost with all that savoury protein.

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Ashley YellinComment
Mint Ice Cubes: Tuesday Tips

Looking for an easy away to flavour your water? Freeze fruit or mint leaves into ice cubes for a quick grab to drop into your water bottle on the go! Flavored water is a great replacement for those cutting down on their soda intake... of course you could also use these for your next cocktail party! Did someone say capriosca?

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